9月27日上午,澳洲皇家墨尔本理工大学Hepu Deng教授在我司学术报告厅做题为Defuzzification-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty的学术报告。报告会由汤庸教授主持,有来自云顶国际8588yd、教育信息技术学院、数学科学学院的教师、博士后、博士生、硕士生及本科生70余名师生参加。
在本次报告中,Hepu Deng教授介绍了近期在模糊决策理论领域所做的研究成果,同时介绍了研究背景与思路,报告生动风趣。与会师生与邓教授进行了充分探讨,学术氛围十分浓厚。
Hepu Deng教授拥有丰富的多国文化教学经验,研究方向包括决策分析、智能系统、数字商务、知识管理等,并着重于理论与应用的结合。Hepu Deng教授活跃于多种国际学术会议和学术组织,担任过多个重要国际学术会议主席。
附:Hepu Deng教授简介:
Hepu is a Professor in Information Systems. His research interests are in the areas of decision analysis, intelligent
systems, digital business, knowledge management, and their applications in business. The multi-disciplinary
nature of his research and the emphasis on both theoretical and applied research are exemplified by numerous
refereed publications in top refereed international journals listed in the Science Citation Index and at major
refereed international conferences.
Hepu is active in the international academic communities. He acted as the Co-Chair of two IEEE international
conferences in Fuzzy Systems, Knowledge Discovery and Computational Intelligence in 2009. He was the Publicity
Chair for five IEEE international conferences in China and Singapore including the 9th IEEE International
Conference on Neural Information Processing (2002), the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution
and Learning (2002), and the 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery and
the organization committee member for numerous international conferences. He was and is currently a referee for
many prestigious international journals including the International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International
Journal of Approximate Reasoning, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
Systems, International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Information
Sciences, Computers and Operations Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of
Computational Intelligence in Finance, Journal of Operations Management, and International Journal of Knowledge
and Information Systems.